Bachi Bari Acupuncture Device for Children
The Bachi Bari Acupuncture Device for Children is an acupuncture type blade that can be used to scrape acupuncture points and meridian points on the human body. Suitable for use on children and adults, this device can be used to reduce pain and improve stress.
What Is the Bachi Bari Acupuncture Device For?
The Bachi Bari Device is a blade like device that can be used for the scratching and stimulation of acupuncture points along the meridian. Suitable for use on children, this easy to use acupuncture blade can simply be dragged along the client's skin, helping to reduce pain and induce relaxation. Although it is designed for use by professional acupuncturists, it can be used for home treatment.
How Do I Use the Bachi Bari Acupuncture Device?
The Acupuncture Device features a sharp slightly stunted blade on either side, which can be dragged along the client's skin. In traditional Chinese medicine, the meridian is a network of meridians that channel life-energy through the human body. By stimulating each meridian, you can stimulate key organs and body parts, reducing pain and stress while improving relaxation.
Stimulating the meridian simply requires dragging the blade along the skin of the client. Once you've done this, the idea is that the client will be more relaxed, have reduced pain and have better stress levels.
Why Is the Bachi Bari Acupuncture Device Suitable for Use on Children?
The Bachi Bari Acupuncture Device is a sort of blade, however the blades are slightly blunt, meaning that they won't damage the client. As children tend to be slightly more needle-averse than adults, this is a good alternative for providing high quality traditional Chinese medical therapy.
- Product Code: IT5016
- Size (LxW): 38 x 18mm