The Original McKenzie Airback Lumbar Support Roll
For those who experience lower back pain unexpectedly when sitting, the Original McKenzie Airback Lumbar Support Roll is handy to have for support. This foldable lumbar roll can be placed in your bag ready to be inflated to provide relief from lower back pain and improve posture when sitting.
Please Note: This roll is designed for short term usage, and is not suitable for whole-day usage.
What's Included?
Key Features and Benefits
- Inflatable back support treats and prevents back pain
- Encourages correct posture while sitting
- Foldable design is ideal for travelling everywhere
- Folds to the size of a wallet for space saving
- Inflates and deflates in seconds for quick use
- Inflatable design tailors the roll to the user's needs
- Made of durable PVC for a long-lasting product
- Intended for short-term use only
- Part of the McKenzie Lumbar Rolls range
What Kind of Support Does This Roll Offer?
The Original McKenzie Airback Lumbar Roll is a lumbar support that helps to prevent and reduce lower back discomfort caused by long periods of sitting in an unsupportive chair. It specifically targets therapy towards the lower back and spine.
The Key Area of Support Offered by the Original McKenzie Airback Lumbar Roll
How Do You Inflate the Airback Lumbar Roll?
The Lumbar Roll is easy to inflate and deflate, with a valve on the underside of the roll that allows you to inflate it with your mouth. This shouldn't take much effort as it will only take a few breaths, and you can quickly deflate the cushion by unplugging the valve and squeezing the air out. It is ideal for travelling or even simply commuting as you can quickly pack away the roll without it taking up much room.
What Causes Back Pain When Sitting?
Generally speaking, sitting down causes the back muscles and ligaments to stretch, which puts stress on the surrounding tissue. Over time, this can build into discomfort, fatigue and ultimately pain. Since many chairs do not support the natural shape of the spine, they can encourage sitters to adopt hunched or bent positions, which only make this strain worse.
How Can a Lumbar Support Resolve This Pain?
By gently pushing in on your lower spine, a lumbar support helps your body and spine to achieve a more natural posture. This allows the muscles and ligaments surrounding your spine to relax, and gradually reduces the strain on surrounding tissues.
How Do I Use the Original McKenzie Airback Lumbar Roll?
It is exceptionally easy to use the McKenzie Lumbar Airback Roll. After inflation, you simply place it slightly above waist height between your back and the chair. Then you should sit upright, as far back in your chair as is possible.
What Are the Dimensions of the Roll?
Before inflation, the length of this lumbar roll is approximately 15 inches, and the width is approximately 6 inches. The depth of the support depends on how much you choose to inflate it.
Who Can Benefit from a McKenzie Airback Roll?
A McKenzie Airback Roll is ideal for anyone who experiences back discomfort from sitting in straight-backed chairs or chairs which do not provide proper ergonomic support to their spine. It is particularly useful to those who cannot carry around a standard foam lumbar support, such as commuters or those travelling by coach, train or plane, but who find themselves developing back pain from substandard lumbar support.
How Dense Is This Lumbar Roll?
The trade-off for compactness and convenience is that this inflatable lumbar roll cannot match the firmness of some solid counterparts. It does however have the benefit of easily variable density, simply by adding or releasing air – you should however be careful not to over-inflate, as this could break the support.
How Comfortable Is the McKenzie Airback Roll?
Since you can customise the level of inflation in this roll, it is exceptionally easy to find a level which is comfortable for you. More significantly, there are significant benefits to be felt over elongated periods and particularly the course of a journey, in the absence of cramp and discomfort.
Which Kinds of Chair Is This Lumbar Roll Suitable For?
The Original McKenzie Airback Roll works well with a wide selection of chairs of different kinds, including:
- Office chairs
- Settees or sofas
- Arm chairs
- Car Seats
- Train seats
- Aeroplane seats
- Desk chairs
- Kitchen/dining chairs
- Any straight-backed chair in which you must spend extended periods, particularly in a travel context
When Should I Use the McKenzie Airback Lumbar Roll?
You should use this Airback Lumbar roll whenever you expect to have to sit in the same place for an elongated period of time, particularly in contexts where you do not have a choice of effective lumbar support, such as on trains and planes. Because it can be quickly inflated and deflated this roll is perfect for use in any travel or commuting context.
Are There Any More Comprehensive Alternatives?
We stock a range of Original McKenzie Lumbar supports which are not inflatable but offer more firm or robust lumbar support, including: